Jul 4, 2024
A safe return to training

Gabriella Florence | Sports Scientist
Perhaps you completed a big competition or had the unfortunate luck of falling ill or getting injured. Regardless of the reason, the outcome was the same: you took time off and it has now been a couple of weeks or even a few months since you last trained. Considering that two to three weeks is all it takes for detraining to occur, with corresponding losses in strength and fitness (sad, but true). Your first instinct may be to start right where you left off in fear of losing further fitness and strength gains, but this is not the best or safest way to resume training.
If you are returning to training after an injury or illness, it is important that you first speak to a medical professional and ensure that you have received clearance to begin training again. If you happen to find yourself in this position, use these 5 tips to get back into training safely:
Don’t be hard on yourself. Chances are, you had good reason to take a break from training in the first place. Accept your current circumstances and focus on moving forward. Although feelings of frustration are normal, they will not serve many purposes in getting you back on track.
Return to training gradually. Take small steps in your training progression so that your body is challenged – not stressed. Doing too much too soon will overwhelm you physically and mentally and increase your risk of injury and burnout.
Listen to your body. Pay special attention to pain, tightness, and discomfort. These can serve as important warning signals and should not be ignored.
Schedule your training routine in your calendar. You will be far more likely to progress if you maintain a consistent training regime.
Manage your expectations accordingly and don’t give up. Plan for success and make a habit of committing to reaching your set goals.
It may initially seem like a while before you’ve reached your prior level, but you’ll soon realise just how fast you were able to rebuild your fitness and strength gains. This isn’t to say it’s not frustrating to take a few steps back, but it is important to acknowledge that your body is amazing and has pulled you through what was initially the reason that held you back.
Look after your body and it will return the favour.