Apr 12, 2022
Fitness: The Greatest HIITs

Austin McGehee | Physical Therapist
In today’s world, one of the biggest factors limiting our desire and ability to work out is time.
HIIT, or High Intensity Interval Training, involves training at a high intensity for short bursts with rest periods in between. Research suggests that anything greater than 80% of your maximum heart rate is considered high intensity. This type of training has been shown to improve an individual's VO2 Max - the body’s maximal oxygen utilization during high-intensity training conditions. Higher VO2 Max values are associated with higher fitness and even predict a longer lifespan. There are many forms of HIIT training for enhancing performance, reducing fat, and saving time.
One simple and effective high intensity interval training option is known as Tabata training.
What is Tabata Training?
The format is simple:
20-seconds of maximal work/exercise: 10 seconds of rest
8 rounds
4 minute workout
The exercises can incorporate a variety of equipment and exercise types, including cardio machines, compound strengthening movements, plyometrics, and kettlebells, but running or riding a bike works just as well. Ideally, the workout should be challenging enough by the last few rounds that you will be in oxygen debt. If you decide to go with resistance exercises, start with simple movements, as the Tabata workouts are very taxing.
The Tabata style of training has been utilised to challenge two energy systems of anaerobic (power/strength) and aerobic (endurance) capacity. As you build up the capacity to do more, you can increase the difficulty, or add resistance, to the exercise or movements!
Examples of exercises might include:
Sprinting/bike sprints
Mountain climbers
Kettlebell swings
Another way to increase the challenge is to do a series of Tabata workouts one after the other, and resting between them. Consider alternating between two different exercises for the 8 rounds as well if you want to create some variety in the workout. The exercises can be done in most environments, such as the gym, outside, or in your house. This allows for plenty of opportunities for variety and creativity for the exercises. Challenge yourself!
Incorporating Tabata or other forms of HIIT workouts into your routine is an effective and efficient way to increase your cardiovascular health, burn calories, and even build some muscle. These workouts will definitely get you out of your comfort zone, but don’t worry, the discomfort only lasts 20 seconds at a time!