Apr 24, 2023
Self-acceptance: the key to a happier life
Gabriella Florence | Sports Scientist
You versus you
When last did you do something for yourself purely because you wanted to? Often, we go along with whatever others want or expect us to do, influenced by an unspoken competition that we’ve created in our heads.
Developing self-acceptance is about letting go of expectations, self-created competitions, and people-pleasing behaviours. It’s a journey of developing and growing yourself to be the best you can possibly be.
Unlock the key to self-acceptance with these 9 steps:
Consider each day as another opportunity to change one thing, no matter how big or small, in your life for the better. For example, spend less time on social media, spend more time outdoors, or expand your knowledge and creativity by reading a book.
Set aside time for your wants and needs. Write down your goals and strengths, identify your shortfalls, and do the activities that make you fall in love with being alive.
Learn to say “no”. One syllable and two letters, yet profoundly difficult to say at times. Remember, prioritising your own needs is not selfish. You can’t support others if you’re falling apart yourself.
Limit comparisons between yourself and others - go by your own timeline. Life is not a race, and even if it were, we wouldn’t all cross the finish line at the same time anyway.
Judge less. No one is perfect. Rather, spend your time focussing on the only life you can control: your own.
Show yourself kindness and compassion. Reciting affirmations, like “I am strong. I am brave. I am wonderful. I have done my best.” is a great way to do this.
Accept mistakes, setbacks, and failures and move on. Let the bad days happen and use them to contrast what a good and happy day feels like.
Fulfil your roles and responsibilities as best as you can each day. When needed, remind yourself: “I can’t do better than my best”.
When faced with uncertainty, ask yourself: “Will this help me, or will this harm me?” and make your decisions from there.
Developing self-acceptance can be a wonderful journey, filled with a deeper love and understanding for yourself, others, and life itself.
Be yourself - everybody else is taken.