11 Jan 2024
15-minute fitness booster - anywhere, anytime

Gabriella Florence | Sports Scientist
Have you heard of exercise snacking? If not, don’t fret. Read our dedicated article for a quick refresher.
While the World Health Organisation recommends 150 minutes of physical activity per week, research has shown that even 15 minutes of exercise per day, an exercise snack, can improve your health and even help you live longer. Welcome news for those of us who struggle to prioritise time for exercise.
The good news doesn’t end there: being fit and healthy doesn’t require fancy equipment or lengthy slots in your calendar. Don’t believe us? Read “No Time? No Problem!” and “No Equipment? No Problem!” and see for yourself. You can also give our four time-savvy, equipment-free workouts below a go or try out the range of guided workout videos in your Strove app. Not only will you work up a sweat, you’ll work up your longevity too.
Remember to get the all-clear from your physician before embarking on a new exercise programme and to warm-up before each session.
Warm-up (20 sec per exercise, 3 sets)
Walking high knees on the spot
Crouch down to the floor, then stretch up to the roof
Alternating toe taps (left hand to right foot, right hand to left foot, etc.)
Alternating standing knee hugs
Workout 1: Full body, low impact (30 sec on, 15 sec rest, 3 sets)
Burpees (a push-up, followed by a leap into the air, or a simple stretch up to the roof will do)
Sit-ups with 4x forward punches
Alternating reverse lunges
Standing alternating knee to opposite elbow
Calf raises (hold on to a chair or wall for balance)
Push-ups (on your knees or against a wall)
Squats (easier version: sit-to-stand from a sturdy chair)
Workout 2: Upper body (30 sec on, 15 sec rest, 3 sets)
Small arm circles forwards
Small arm circles backwards
Straight arm pulses up and down at your sides
Small punches outwards to your sides
Straight arm pulses behind your back
Clap your hands behind your back
Supermans (lie on your stomach with your hands behind your head and gently raise and lower your chest)
Workout 3: Lower body (30 sec on, 15 sec rest, 3 sets)
Squats (easier version: sit-to-stand using a sturdy chair)
Calf raises (hold on to a chair or wall for balance)
Wall sit (place your back against a wall with your feet forward, and your knees bent at approximately 90 degrees)
Standing kick-backs on the right (hold on to a chair for balance and lift your right leg, like you’re reaching for something behind you)
Standing kick-backs on the left (hold on to a chair for balance and lift your left leg, like you’re reaching for something behind you)
Glute bridge pulses (lie on your back with your feet on the ground, then lift and lower your buttocks)
Glute bridge hold (lie on your back with your feet on the ground, then lift and hold up your buttocks)
Workout 4: Cardio-burst (30 sec on, 15 sec rest, 3 sets)
Star jumps
Standing alternating knee to opposite elbow
High knees on the spot
Burpees (a push-up, followed by a leap into the air, or a simple stretch up to the roof will do)
Quick feet (run quickly on the spot)
Star jump with alternating arm forward punch
Forward punches (engage your core to maintain balance)
Ready, set, sweat!