14 Aug 2023
Start your day the right way

Gabriella Florence | Sports Scientist
Rise and shine! How to make the most of your mornings.
You might find it easy to jump out of bed as soon as your alarm goes off, or you may justify your morning moodiness with “I’m just not a morning person”. Truth is, everyone has a morning routine; some are simply better than others.
Mornings are an important time to uplift your mood, boost your energy levels and charge your productivity for the day ahead. Snoozing your alarm several times only to reawaken in a panic is not the most conducive way to set a bright tone for the day.
Try these tips to see just how wonderful mornings can be, even if you really aren’t a morning person.
Practise mindfulness. Meditating is a great way to relieve stress and tension first thing in the morning. Use your favourite meditation app on your mobile phone or listen to mindfulness content in the Thrive section on your Strove app.
Do some exercise (preferably outdoors). Not only will your mental and physical health thank you, but you’ll give yourself the best chance of having a productive day too. too. Did you know that a morning bout of moderate-intensity exercise improves cognitive performance and decision-making throughout the day?
Have a shower or a bath. You’ll feel fresh and ready for the day ahead (and you’ll smell fresh too).
Greet your loved ones. If they’re nearby, embrace them in a hug and appreciate their presence. Chances are you’ll make their morning a good one too.
Set goals. Write a to-do list and tick items off as you go along. Acknowledging the completion of tasks can ease work-related anxiety and boost your productivity.
Listen to an uplifting podcast or your favourite music. You can do this while getting ready and, better yet, it won’t take up any extra time from the rest of your morning.
Eat a nutritious breakfast. It’s difficult to focus when you’re famished and your stomach is making gurgling noises. Prioritise a breakfast you look forward to eating. Read our dedicated article, Mindful eating, to find out more.
Do something that makes you happy. Add personal mood-boosting activities to your morning routine, whether it’s drinking coffee on your balcony, reading a chapter of your book, dancing around your room, or saying a morning prayer.
Recite affirmations. This has proven to improve several aspects of your wellbeing. For more information, read The power of affirmations.
Having a morning routine is like giving your brain a warm-up before a big game. It'll be in tip-top shape and ready to tackle whatever challenges come your way.